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Dr. Chris de Kock, Independent analyst: crime, violence and crowd behaviour.
Although security systems, which include alarms, electric fencing, panic buttons, key/remote safes, and cameras should be tested at least once a month, many people just don’t check it at all or only a few times a year. A security system which is not checked regularly, is actually more of a danger, because it creates a false sense of security, which is often shattered when a burglary or house robbery occur. “I had the alarm system on, but the next moment armed men woke me up in my bed.”

The regular testing of security equipment is especially important in South Africa with its unstable power supply as this can damage the equipment. Furthermore, it should be remembered that many short-term insurers base their contract and premium on the security systems installed at the insured premises. If the systems are not used, or malfunctions, because it was not maintained, and there is a burglary or house robbery the claim may not be honoured or there may be a penalty.

All of the above makes it imperative to check your security systems now. Please don’t wait to a day or two before you go on holiday and then test. If you then discover that the energizer’s battery is flat or the alarm signal does not reach your security service provider they may be fully booked and unable to fix the problem before you leave.

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