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What is the CPF?

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What is the CPF?

The Community Police Forum (CPF) is a legal community structure established in terms of the South African Police Service (SAPS) Act and is mandated to facilitate community–police relations within a specific police station precinct (police station boundary) and serves as the mouthpiece of the community with the police and vice versa on policing matters and other relevant safety issues. Members of this forum are elected during formal election processes and get its mandate from the community to execute the legal powers and functions.

SAPS Act provides for specific roles of the police in relation to community safety.
These include:
o Establishing and maintaining partnerships with the community;
o Promoting communication with the community;
o Promoting cooperation on policing with the community;
o Improving transparency and accountability to the community;
o Improved partnership with the community;
o Improved service delivery at all levels; and
o Joint problem identification and problem solving.

SAPS Act 68 of 1995, legislated that Community Police Forums (CPF) as the only
recognised consultative forum designed to permit communities to make their
policing concerns known to the police.

– Community Policing Forum is a platform where community members, organizations (CBO’s, NGO’s, Business, FBO’s, youth organizations, women organizations, SGB’s), other relevant stakeholders (provincial government, local government, traditional authority and parastatals) and the police meet to discuss local crime prevention initiatives.

Promotion of accountability of the local police to the community, and cooperation of the community with the local police.
– Monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of the police serving the community.
– Examination and advice on local policing priorities.
– Evaluation of the provision of services such as:
– Distribution of resources
– The way complaints and charges are handled
– Patrolling of residential and business areas
– Keeping records
– writing reports and
– making recommendations

– The establishment of CPFs was provided for in section 221(2) of the Constitution and section 19(1) of the South African Police Services (SAPS) Act 68 of 1995.

– CPFs + Business, together with the police should establish and maintain a partnership with the community, promote communication between the police and the community, promote cooperation and ensure that the police fulfil the needs of the community in respect of policing, improve the service of the police to the community, improve transparency and accountability of the SAPS and promote joint problem identification and problem solving.

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